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/ Collection of Internet / Collection of Internet.iso / infosrvr / doc / www_talk.arc / 000048_emv@heifetz.msen.com _Wed Feb 19 05:49:40 1992.msg < prev    next >
Internet Message Format  |  1992-11-30  |  762b

  1. Return-Path: <emv@heifetz.msen.com>
  2. Received: from dxmint.cern.ch by  nxoc01.cern.ch  (NeXT-1.0 (From Sendmail 5.52)/NeXT-2.0)
  3.     id AA21315; Wed, 19 Feb 92 05:49:40 GMT+0100
  4. Received: by dxmint.cern.ch (cernvax) (5.57/3.14)
  5.     id AA19574; Wed, 19 Feb 92 05:44:01 +0100
  6. Received: by heifetz.msen.com (/\==/\ Smail3.1.22.1 #22.11)
  7.     id <m0lGj7D-000HxNC@heifetz.msen.com>; Tue, 18 Feb 92 23:41 EST
  8. Message-Id: <m0lGj7D-000HxNC@heifetz.msen.com>
  9. To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
  10. Subject: bug in HTAccess.c confused me - WWW_wais_GATEWAY
  11. Date: Tue, 18 Feb 92 23:41:05 -0500
  12. From: Edward Vielmetti <emv@msen.com>
  14. the error message refers to WWW_wais_gateway, but the code
  15. wants WWW_wais_GATEWAY.  either way is fine by me so long
  16. as you're consistent...
  18. --Ed